A report to this week’s meeting of the contracts and property committee meeting recommended approving BAM Nuttall's US$24 million bid for the bridge at Sighthill.

The bridge is part of the Sighthill Transformational Regeneration Areas (TRA) project, which includes remediation and engineering works to enable development of community facilities and housing, along with two new bridges, supporting infrastructure and new educational buildings.

M8 Sighthill footbridge

The bridge span will be just over 58m and its deck is an hour-glass form that varies in width between 7.5m and 20m. It will weigh 2,420 tonnes - made up of 420 tonnes of steel and 2,000 tonnes of concrete - and its structure is a steel box girder with a reinforced concrete composite desk slab.

The approach taken to its design is intended to ensure that the bridge will need only minimal maintenance and will also not require painting, therefore minimising disruption to the motorway.  The parapets are designed to emphasise key views across the city skyline while obscuring direct lines of sight to the motorway below.

The contract assessment has been based 40% on price and 60% on quality, with the quality aspect encompassing design and management methods (10%), construction methodology and sequencing (20%), construction impact (5%), project risks (10%), quality control (5%), sustainability (5%) and fair work practices (5%). 

BAM Nuttall scored 95.3 on the evaluation, beating John Graham (94.0), Balfour Beatty (93.58) and John Sisk (86.12).