22 Nov 00
Three bid for Millau Viaduct
Three consortia have submitted bids to the French government for the private finance concession to build the Millau Viaduct in southern France. The controversial viaduct, designed by French consultants Sogelerg, EEG and SERF and UK architect Foster & Partners, will be 2.5km long and will have towers up to 235m high. It will form part of the new A75 motorway between Clermont Ferrand and Beziers, and crosses the environmentally sensitive Tarn River to the west of Millau. The three consortia are Societe du Viaduc de Millau (ASF, EGIS, Groupe Vinci-GTM, Bouygues Travaux Publics, CDC Projets, Tofinso and Autostrade); Societe Eiffage (Eiffage Construction and Eiffel) and Generale Routiere (Via GTI, Cintra, Necso and Acciona). The fourth consortium which had shown interest at the beginning of the project, a group including Skanska and Dragados, dropped out of the running in September. Bids will now be considered by the Minister for Transport and the concession is expected to be awarded in February next year.