Stantec has won both contracts as well as one in North Dakota that began in April. Its bridge inspection team will deploy staff and equipment from four different states to complete the work, which will involve techniques including industrial rope access, non-destructive testing and drones with camera, video and sensor technology.
Stantec will be providing Nevada Department of Transportation with over 2,000 bridge inspections in addition to load rating services.
Colorado Department of Transportation has asked Stantec for a statewide inspection service that includes minor bridges.
Work for North Dakota Department of Transportation includes routine and fracture-critical bridge inspections, as well as load ratings for approximately 900 structures operated by local public agencies.
“As everyone looks to stretch their infrastructure budgets, administrators and owners are realising that it’s more cost-effective to invest in proactive preservation and rehabilitation,” said Ryan Nataluk, vice president of infrastructure inspection at Stantec. “New technologies and advanced techniques can help extend the life of infrastructure assets at a fraction of the cost of constructing a new asset.”
The contract durations range from two to five years.