9-13 July 2018
Melbourne, Australia
IABMAS encompasses all aspects of bridge maintenance, safety, and management. Specifically, it deals with: bridge repair and rehabilitation issues; bridge management systems; needs of bridge owners, financial planning, whole life costing and investment for the future; bridge related safety and risk issues and economic and other implications.
Its mission is to become the premier international organisation for the advance of state-of-the-art bridge maintenance, safety and management. IABMAS now has many national chapters and has developed into a high-level forum for discussion of academic, scientific and technical aspects of bridge maintenance, safety, and management.
The IABMAS conference is the premier international bridge maintenance and management conference and IABMAS 2018 provides a great opportunity for international specialists in the field of bridge engineering to share experiences, innovations, achievements and knowledge.
IABMAS 2018 will bring together academics, researchers, and practicing professionals, bridging the gap between theory and practice in bridge maintenance, safety, and management.
Topics of interest include:
New design methods
Bridge codes
Heavy vehicle and load models
Bridge management systems
Prediction of the future traffic demands
Service life predictions
Residual service life
Sustainability and life-cycle assessments
Maintenance strategies
Bridge diagnostics
Health monitoring
Non-destructive testing
Field testing
Safety and serviceability
Assessment and evaluation
Damage identification
Deterioration modelling
Repair and retrofitting strategies
Bridge reliability
Fatigue and corrosion
Extreme loads (earthquake, fire, blast, floods, hurricanes, waves, tsunamis, etc.)
Advanced experimental simulations
Advanced computer simulations
The official language of the Conference is English. The Conference proceedings will be published by Taylor & Francis and will be distributed at the Conference to registered participants. Extended versions of selected papers presented at the Conference will be considered for publication in Structure and Infrastructure Engineering - Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design & Performance, an international peer-reviewed scientific journal endorsed by IABMAS, and included in the ISI Science Citation Index (http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/nsie).