Remote monitoring deployed in battle against vehicle strikes.
Advanced computer vision-based systems are poised to transform structural health monitoring and maintenance practices in bridge engineering, write Liwei Han, AbdulSame Fazli and Qi Ye.
City bans vehicles from Panther Hollow Bridge on recommendation of inspectors.
LiDAR mapping informs overhaul of historic UK viaduct.
In declaring its ambition to become the world’s most sustainable bridge, Øresund is challenging bridge operators and owners around the world to start the journey towards sustainability and decarbornisation, writes Eve Boykova
An industry research project has unveiled the prototype of a 5m-long, 3D-printed bridge.
The US Army Corps of Engineers has awarded a US$5 million grant for research to extend the lifespan of bridges through monitoring technology designed to offer protection against hacking.
Researchers from Scotland and the USA are seeking to harvest the energy that is generated when bridges vibrate and use it to power sensors.
A team from the University of Minnesota has made recommendations for bridge instrumentation after reviewing 10 years of data from the structure that replaced the collapsed I-35W bridge.
Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has announced a precautionary plan to repair a bridge that has become an essential route after cracking forced closure of a neighbouring structure.
A contractor has been appointed to stabilise the cracked West Seattle High-Rise Bridge and plans have been put in place in case the structure appears about to collapse.
Researchers at ETH Zurich are aiming to create ‘living’ structures that can monitor their condition and repair themselves.
A new software system for asset management that draws on the expertise of those who operate and maintain Denmark’s largest fixed links is being launched. Helena Russell finds out more.
Analysis using a new high-definition satellite radar system has indicated that the Morandi Bridge in Italy showed signs of warping in the months prior to last year’s collapse.
A monitoring contract has been awarded for 14 major bridges that form part of a new high-speed railway in central Greece.
Up to 2,000 vibration-powered sensors are to be installed on the Mackinac Bridge in Michigan, USA, following successful testing of 20 prototypes.
Fujitsu has developed a system that it says is successful in estimating the degree of internal damage to bridges.