The bridge over the Thomassentunnel and the A15 and N15 motorways is the second to be installed for the new US$325 million Theemswegtracé rail line. The first trains are expected to travel down the line in late 2021.
The bridge’s steel structure weighs 4,100 tonnes and is 269m long, 13.7m wide and 28m tall. It was built by Hollandia. Self-propelled modular transporters operated by Mammoet were used to move the bridge into position.
Work for the new 4km rail line is being carried out by a construction consortium made up of Besix, Dura Vermeer, Mobilis, Hollandia and Iemants. The overall project, which has been commissioned by the Port of Rotterdam Authority, includes a 4km stretch of concrete viaduct as well as the two steel arched bridges.
See a video of the lifting operation here.