The Forth Bridges Area Tourism Strategy 2019-2029 strategy highlights opportunities to use the Forth Rail Bridge, the Forth Road Bridge and the Queensferry Crossing – each a world record holder in its own right – to attract people to the area. The report is subtitled 'Making a journey a destination'.

Forth bridges

The plan to boost visitor numbers has been launched by tourism secretary Fiona Hyslop. “The Forth Bridges are much more than a means of travel,” she said. The Forth Bridge has taken its place alongside the Pyramids of Giza and Spain’s Alhambra as one of the world’s most iconic monuments and has been inscribed onto UNESCO’s World Heritage list. Its two magnificent neighbours are themselves great engineering achievements. The bridges span both time and distance as the three bridges were built in three different centuries.

“Today’s launch of the Tourism Strategy sets out the Forth Bridges Forum’s plan to tell the story of the three bridges for the first time, creating a unique experience which will allow visitors to learn about their history as well as marvel at their majesty.

“By communities, businesses and the public sector working together, we can use the bridges as catalysts for developing the many tourism offerings of the surrounding towns and villages.”

The priority activities are:

encouraging the creation of new attractions and viewpoints of the bridges to capture visitors especially from the tourist hub of the capital Edinburgh;

exploiting niche markets such as heritage, railway and bridge enthusiasts;

using the theatrical backdrop of the bridges for events;

ensuring that communities are kept informed of and are consulted on significant developments;

developing ways of benefiting local communities and visitors through orientation signage, interpretation and walking trails as well as improvements to the public realm;

encouraging local tourism businesses to grow and create employment opportunities through their proximity to the bridges;

supporting tourism related activity on the Forth around the bridges, building on 2020’s Year of Coast & Waters.