Arup has signed a framework with Statens Vegvesens to work on the bridges on the E39 coastal highway project. The E39 ‘superhighway’ will create 1,100km of continuous road.
The two major bridges over Bjørnafjorden and Langenuen will replace local ferry routes, an integral part of Norway’s transport network.
The 5km-long marine crossing at Bjørnafjorden is set to become the world’s longest floating bridge.
In Langenuen, a research team has proposed using aluminium as a more durable, cost-efficient alternative to steel to build the 1.6km-long suspension bridge. Read more about that project here.
“Arup has a solid track record in independent bridge verification and will draw on its global network of experts to deliver this technically challenging, ambitious project”, said Christian Allison, who leads Arup in Denmark. “We have established a strong presence in Denmark supporting clients like Vejdirektoratet and Metroselskabet, and we look forward to consolidating our infrastructure work in Scandinavia.”