The South African National Roads Agency published the tender invitation today for the upgrade of the Edwin Swales interchange, which lies on National Route N2 section 25. The project includes converting Edwin Swales to a full free-flow interchange with four new ramps, two new loops, and two new directional ramp bridges.
One of the new directional ramps (Bridge B0422) will consist of a 12-span continuous cast in-situ prestressed concrete single box deck with a depth of 2.8m. The bridge has been designed to be constructed span-by-span using a movable scaffolding system and will have a total length of 632m and provide capacity for two traffic lanes of 3.7m and two shoulders of 2.55m.
The second of the directional ramps (Bridge B0421) will comprise a nine-span continuous prestressed concrete box girder with cantilevers supported on reinforced concrete columns. The total bridge length is 410m and provides for two traffic lanes of 3.7m wide and two shoulders of 2.55m wide.
The approximate duration of the scheme is 51 months and the tender closes on 26 March 2021.