After nine days of walking celebrations, Thai bridge officially opens.
Active travel bridges with a design recalling digging sticks and a boomerang.
Final beam cast in place on Dongjiang river bridge.
Bridge with a 90-degree turn opens to active travellers.
Third Itacaiúnas River crossing on target for December completion.
Public meeting moves forward project to replace a washed out crossing with illuminated attraction.
Icelandic contractors start work on cable-stayed crossing.
The designer of a steel footbridge that collapsed in Italy during load testing identifies the reasons for the failure and outlines the lessons implemented in the execution of a second version, which he also designed and then personally funded. Marco Peroni writes
Contractors take charge of border bridge in West Africa.
Panguil Bridge in the Philippines officially opened.
Pioneering Oder Bridge inaugurated.
The Gordie Howe International Bridge approaches completion after overcoming harsh climate conditions, severe pandemic-related disruptions and complex restrictions arising from its cross-border location, write Erik Behrens and Jaime Castro-Maier.
New Xiangjiang River crossing draws the eye with its unique design.
Cable-stayed bridge links city with island to improve car-free access.
A cable-stayed bridge on a Caribbean island is getting essential repairs.
Joint venture wins contract for Riyadh bridge.
Construction has started on a bridge between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Québec government names contractor for 2.1km bridge over the St Lawrence River.
One pier completed on 17.2km-long sea link in Mumbai, India.
Backspan bents come off Gordie Howe International Bridge.